Compass Arts Covid-19 Policies

Toddler/Preschool Classes WITH a caregiver (this includes Toddler/Preschool Dance, Tactile Explorers, Musical Stew and any popup events for this age group held inside.)
Masking will be handled on a class by class basis, supporting and accommodating our most vulnerable families. If an attendee is not comfortable with optional masking for adults, we will ask all adults to mask for the class regardless of vaccination status. Children in this age group will not be required to mask.

Drop off classes for 4 year olds through adults
Masking is optional for students in all of our drop off classes.

For Everyone
If you or your child are showing symptoms of COVID-19 or has tested positive, please do not come to class until symptoms abate (fever free for 24 hours) or your test results are negative. In the event that someone in your child’s household tests positive for COVID-19, please have your child wear a mask in class until all household members are negative.

We will continue to monitor and adjust our policies accordingly to keep our teachers, students, and community as safe as possible.